Senator Grassley's bold amendment to stifle any discussion or study of legalization is erriely similiar to the language in the infamous 1986 anti-bill crime bill that included the crack cocaine disparity. Twice in that bill it specifically states that legalization of drugs cannot be discussed. Period. Back then this form of censorship didn't raise many eye brows which shows that this country has come a long way to have groups like LEAP(Law Enforcement agaisnt Prohibition) rightfully speak out against Grassley's amendment.
Grassley's reasons for his amendment were laughable and dishonest. He really means this idea(legalization) is so powerful and earth shattering that I can't permit it to be discussed. If some Senator put an amendment in the Health Care Reform bill that the funding of abortions couldn't be discussed, Hannity and O'Reilly would be leading their respective shows with right-to-lifers expressing their collective outrage. But since both of these law-and -order types are comfortable living in a police state, you won't hear a peep from them.
This kind of outrageous and reckless conduct on the part of Grassley should serve as fuel for reformers to write letters-to-the-editor. Don't let this kind of blatant cernsorship go unchallenged. When our enemies screw up, we have to capitalize on their mistakes. You know the drug warriors don't miss an opportunity to further their cause at our expense.
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